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October 12, 2025

3:00 PM

Austin, TX

Boggy Creek Farm

Boggy Creek Farm


HOST FARMERS: Carol Ann Sayle, Tracy Geyer & Jack Geyer | Boggy Creek Farm

GUEST CHEF: Colter Peck | Daydream Hospitality

Carol Ann and family welcome us back to their little farm in the city with open arms. Boggy Creek has been a stop on our tour for just about forever (since 2005 to be exact), and Carol Ann, daughter Tracy and grandson Jack are like family. The farm is a delight with a historic farmhouse, a flock of curious chickens and a great swath of near-harvest vegetables. 

Chef Colter Peck’s path to chefdom started in a grocery store, followed by a stint at a winery in Denver and time working on Texas farms. From there he worked stages at high-profile spots like Le Pigeon and Proud Mary in Portland, Oregon. As he demonstrated at his engaging Elementary ATX, Colter is unendingly curious, creative, and game to try something new. 

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Purchase Policy

Due to the nature of the events, no refunds or credits will be given if the Participant is unable to attend. However, tickets can be transferred to someone else. Please contact us at with the new guest’s information at least 24 hours prior to the event, or tell the guests using your reservation to give your name at arrival. Transferring funds for your tickets is your responsibility. In the case of an event being postponed due to circumstances beyond Outstanding in the Field’s control, Outstanding in the Field will reschedule said event and all purchases will be honored for the rescheduled future event date. To view our full purchase policy please visit: Terms of Purchase

Dietary Information

Due to the family style nature of our meals and in order to uphold the highest quality standards, we can only guarantee accommodations for vegetarian requests. You will be given the opportunity to enter this information during check out if this applies to you or your party.